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Showing posts from May, 2022

GIS Programming Module 2

 The focus of module 2 was to identify and fix errors in scripts using built in Spyder functions such as the debugger, and using try/except statements. The lab involved modifying three scripts with pre-existing errors so that they would fulfill run successfully according to the lab instructions. scripts 1 and 2 required all errors to be fixed so the program ran as intended. Script 3 had two parts. The error in Part A was not supposed to be fixed but rather a try except statement was supposed to be used to identify the exception thrown due to the built in error. Following the except statement a print statement was used to say that Part A had failed and give the description of the error. Part B needed to run successfully after the exception was caught in part A. Script 1: Flowchart 1: Script 1 prints out all the field names found in the parks shapefile. For this to work properly the path file needed to be corrected, variable call syntax needed to be fixed to math the variable declara...

GIS Programming Module 1

  Above are the results of the code created in module. The assignment was a combination of writing new script and repairing pre-existing scrip. The first step was to create a list from name and print my last name only using its index number. Following last name you will see a series with the following pattern "X roles a # out of #, X wins" This was the pre-existing code that needed repairs. Once fixed it generates a random number between 0 and a number equal to double the number of characters in each persons name. If they role higher than the length of their name it tells you they won, otherwise it tells you they lose. Next, a list with 20 random numbers is created. Then a number of our choosing, I chose seven, is declared the unlucky number. If that number does not occur in the list it the script tells you so, if the number does occur in the list then all instances of the unlucky number are removed and the program tells you how many were removed. The final step is to print o...

M7: Google Earth

  This modules lab required the creation of a google earth map depicting the hydrography, population density dot map, and a tour of major metropolitan areas created in google earth and delivered as a .kmz file. The map above was largely created in google earth by adding provided .kmz files for counties and dot densities to a my place folder created for this project. The picture overlay tool was used to add the provided legend. The hydrography layer was given as a shapefile and the symbology needed to be adjusted to match the provided legend using ArcGIS Pro. Once the symbology was set the layer was exported as a .kmz using the Layer to KML geoprocessing tool. Once everything was added to google earth the placemarks (yellow pushpins) were added to the required points of interests and the tour and a recording was started while I manually selected the placemarks, toggling the dot density layer and manually panning around the points of interest were done as needed.