The focus of module 2 was to identify and fix errors in scripts using built in Spyder functions such as the debugger, and using try/except statements. The lab involved modifying three scripts with pre-existing errors so that they would fulfill run successfully according to the lab instructions. scripts 1 and 2 required all errors to be fixed so the program ran as intended. Script 3 had two parts. The error in Part A was not supposed to be fixed but rather a try except statement was supposed to be used to identify the exception thrown due to the built in error. Following the except statement a print statement was used to say that Part A had failed and give the description of the error. Part B needed to run successfully after the exception was caught in part A. Script 1: Flowchart 1: Script 1 prints out all the field names found in the parks shapefile. For this to work properly the path file needed to be corrected, variable call syntax needed to be fixed to math the variable declara...