Because the data provided for the above map contained positive and negative values which ArcMap does not support for proportional symbols, the data had to be modified. All states with positive values were exported to a new shapefile and the same was done with states with negative values. This was all that needed done with the positive valued states. However, for the negative valued states a new field needed added to the attribute table and it had to be populated with the absolute value of number of jobs lost to convert them to positive integers.

To prepare the data for bivariate visualization classes needed to be made. To do this, three class quantification was applied to each desired variable to divide each into three relatively equal groups. Then all values in the first group of the first variable were classified with an 'A', then the second group was given a 'B', and the third was given a 'C'. the same thing was done with the second variable however 1, 2 , and 3 were used as the classification, Finally the classification fields were concatenated to A1, A2... ... C2, C3. Then the data was symbolized by the final created field and appropriate coloration was applied.
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