This weeks lab required the creation of a choropleth map visualizing the population density and wine consumption in Europe. Population density has been symbolized by using a graduated color scheme from light blue to purple, and wine consumption per capita has been symbolized using graduated symbols (small to large and light to dark green). We were tasked with choosing between graduated or proportional symbols, I chose graduate as the proportional symbols blocked many of the smaller European countries from view. To isolate the specific countries I wanted to symbolize and label, which varied between the primary and inset map, the data exclusion section of the symbology window was used and a query was written to omit unnecessary or redundant data. The graduated symbols used to represent wine consumption were sent through the Feature to Point tool which allowed my to move their individual positions. Similarly the country labels were converted to annotation so they could be positioned. Smaller countries required the addition of leader lines to their labels. After adding all essential map elements the legend was converted into a graphic so I could position each element, including the population density choropleth symbols being aligned for continuity of data. Everything was designed using ArcGIS Pro.
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