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Showing posts from June, 2022

GIS Programming Module 6

  This weeks module covered working with rasters in python. The lab assignment focused on isolating areas the forested land cover with a slope between 5 and 20 degrees and an aspect between 150 and 270 degrees. Above is the outputted raster from my script. Below you can see the script output as well as a flowchart of the script. Script output: Flowchart:

GIS Programming Module 5

 Module 5 focused on writing scripts that worked with the geometries of feature classes. The goal of the lab was to create a text file and fill it with the array of points that made up the shapes of all the rivers in the rivers shapefile. Below is a screenshot of a portion of the output in the text file followed by a flowchart outlining the script. Text file: Flowchart:

GIS Programming Module 4

  The below images are the output of the script for module 4 followed by the flowchart for the script. This module covered manipulating and editing data in feature class attribute tables. What you see below is the result of creating a new geodatabase, copying all shapefiles saved to the module 4 data folder to the new geodatabase, a search cursor identify the name, feature, and population of all New Mexico county seat cities populations. Finally it prints out a dictionary that has been populated with the county seat names and populations. Output: Flowchart:

GIS Programming Module 3

  The purpose of this weeks module was to create models in ArcGIS Pro using both model builder, and python scripting. The above photo shows the successful output of my script which adds XY coordinates to the hospitals shapefile, adds a 1000-meter buffer, and dissolves the buffer into a single feature. Seen below is the flowchart for the script.